


    添加时间:2018-12-13 实践科 点击次数:

    题目:Stopping Time(停止时间)

    主讲嘉宾:Eric Mazur 哈佛大学知名教授




           Time is of philosophical interest as well as the subject of mathematical and scientific research. Even though it is a concept familiar to most, the passage of time remains one of the greatest enigmas of the universe. The philosopher Augustine once said: "What then is time? If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks me, I do not know." The concept time indeed cannot be explained in simple terms. Emotions, life, and death - all are related to our interpretation of the irreversible flow of time. After a discussion of the concept of time, we will review historical attempts to "stop time," i.e., to capture events of very short duration and then present an overview of current research into ultrafast processes using short laser pulses.






    哈佛大学Eric Mazur教授领导的研究小组是国际知名的超快激光与材料相互作用及其应用的著名研究组之一,也是哈佛大学物理系最大的研究组之一。在超快光电响应、激光微纳加工、纳米光纤及生物医学应用等方面均有开创性研究成果,在Nature、Nature Photonics、Nature Materials、Phys. Rev. Lett、Nano Letters、Optics Letters等国际综合类或物理、光学类顶尖学术期刊发表多篇论文,被引用超过32000次。是国际著名的物理学家和教学专家。Mazur教授担任的重要职位及获得的学术荣誉包括荷兰皇家科学院院士、前美国光学学会主席、美国光学学会会士、美国物理学会会士、加拿大蒙特利尔大学等名誉教授,Prisidential Yong Investigator Award;美国物理学会Fellow,美国物理学会百年纪念演讲人,美国国家基金会顾问委员等。